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   It is clear that the modern human Being may no longer survive in his uncertain environment without the well organized collective strength of his species, and that he cannot either build himself nor progress without a social and societal structure, constantly adapted, and protected from any corruption.

   Knowing it, the internal non-confliction and the intelligent union of all the human species implie to cooperate, to share and mutualize our common resources, from our best. If we want that, we are already eco-humanist, without permission to ask to whoever.

  Great thinkers expressed these necessities, for several centuries. Let us continue. Every human Being can freely learn, express, and pass on such a metacultural historical heritage. 

   All this without forgetting that a good sharing is not made no matter how, that internal non confliction does not implies weakness, and that rights have in return duties .

 is open to all defenders of the human general interest

   To be eco-humanist ? Everybody can become EH. Is an eco-humanist every capable voluntary person who understood well the trajectory and the essential values of the natural structuring current of the human whole, and who contributes usefully to its consideration, to its improvement, and to its transmission. For that purpose, no need for ceremony, for solemn oath, for official authorization, it is a matter of ethics and intimate conscience. Concretely, in actual facts, the understanding of its Fundamental Charter of the Societal Principles (transnational collective synthesis established in 1998/1999) and the sincere support of its principles of general interest constitute more and more the first level of free membership in the modern eco-humanist community. Then, every volunteer follows his(her) way, according to his(her) availability and his(her) means, and as much as possible in a collective structure where he feels good.

   Eco-humanist volunteers, among whom some are called sometimes the new protector-clerks of Humanity, act individually or collectively as social protective interfaces of a beneficial collective entity, non-religious, but consubstantial with every Human being : the human House. They use the main eco-humanist guiding texts (Charters, conventional principles and syntheses) as a practical guide in their commitment, and to structure their current situational analysis. The eco-humanist cultural references do not constitute an intangible dogma : they are improved little by little, for more than 26 centuries, thanks to the best conceptual contributions of every epoch. A particularly documented book containing the main historic and scientific useful landmarks is available here

    With all this, eco-humanists associate effectively diversity and cohesion, plurality and coherence. For example, a part of them can have roots or ties in one or other of the main religions and in the ethnocultural communities which are more or less soaked of it. What does not prevent these eco-humanists from acting by respecting the mostly important general interest of the human whole, and by protecting it, knowing from experience that religious followers, supremacist and inflexible, who reject arbitrarily the general interest and the free legitimate expression of the human whole, behave as enemies of Humanity and must be treated as such. And also those who behave as predators, as torturers, or as destroyers, of all or part of Humanity. The self-defence of the common human House is its most absolute right and must be always assured with courage and efficiency

   That is why eco-humanist volunteers can particularly contribute to cure the most dangerous desease of the human House at the beginning of the 21th century: pluto-imperialism. Characterized by a private excessive cornering and abuse of the essential resources, and by an instrumentalization of the abrahamic religiosity, to the detriment of the very great majority of Humanity, this desease causes a violent interdestruction and a sociocultural disintegration of each contaminated part of Humanity. Only can resist it sufficiently structured, cohesive, and well federated communities. Eco-humanists thus act bravely to develop such a structured and cohesive resistance, everywhere and when it is necessary.

< "ikso" is a distinctive symbol often used by eco-humanist groups and associations

     to represent a unified Humanity, well protected, and in proactive movement.


See here models of statutes and formalities for eco-humanist association,

here the annals of the transnational deployment of EH.

and here a leaflet (flyer) printable and shareable for making EH better known,


this without forgetting the most downloaded booklet, the  EH practical memento. ... to read and re-read without moderation !


©  www.marc-carl.net

Sharing informations and examples can conveniently help new eco-humanist structures to get organized and to improve their communication. Let's do it.


video 1             video 2

see also :

