The Eco-humanist structural organization.


Eco-humanism is a  philosophic and civic movement which passes on an essential historical cultural heritage, and which impulses in addition a pragmatic(*) and coherent implementation of the principles and values of this heritage, strengthening the global human societal cohesion.

To guarantee and protect this activity, modern eco-humanist collective structures (associations, networks, NGOs, etc.) work in direct democracy (drawing of representatives among capable volunteers) and in a federative spirit. The eco-humanist activity so can benefit people who legitimately need it, in the real interest of the human society, and thus not to impostors, monopolizers, or other social abusers and parasites, political, religious, or mercantile, who have no influence on the eco-humanist community.

In fact, Eco-humanists self-manage in total independence of any parasite structure or influence (party, lobby, church, sect, diverse manipulator), and they entrust at an upper level of organization - as far as it is enough recognized useful - only what they are not capable of making well themselves from their local level (by principle of subsidiarity). But they are not scattered and incoherent, they are maintained in dynamic cohesion by the structuring principial corpus which they share, and by their self-correcting organization of volunteering and coordination.

Every altruistic, brave, and generous Human being, can join this open community, and contribute to create or liven up a local group, or a network. Eco-humanists do not establish between them a permanent and immutable formalized hierarchy, and eachone is free to contribute to the collective interest according to his possibilities. But they can coordinate and get organized as they want to be more effective, in particular with temporary functional hierarchies, accessible to the most able of the moment. Their function and their status of volunteering can be then recognized and officialized by one or several eco-humanist communities.

This allows them to be available for consultation in a priority way for all what concerns the updating and the adaptation of the principles and the essential basis of eco-humanism, taking into account in particular new philosophic and scientific advances.

In this context, they have a regulatory international authority, the Eco-Humanist High Council of Cohesion (EHHCC), whose administrators are also drawn for limited mandates, and which has a function of arbitration and certification. The EHHCC watches the preservation of the quality and the consistency of eco-humanist conceptual foundations (in particular ethical and philosophical), and can express opinions and recommendations on the practices and the references of every person or group publicly acting as eco-humanist, or involving the eco-humanist community.

(*) Is pragmatic what or who adapts effectively to the reality, by thinking and by acting in this goal, or by having a capacity and a value allowing to act so.

